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Privacy Policy
This is the Privacy Policy...

This privacy policy sets out how Willow and Vine Limited uses and protects any information that you give when you use the website. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us and we will never sell your e-mail address or any other personal details to third parties.

When you make a purchase from the website we collect and store the following information:

  • your e-mail address
  • your name

Once you start using the website we also collect the following information:

  • details of when you login including the time/date and IP address

All this information is stored on our secure servers. We do not have access to, collect or store any credit/debit card details. The payment system is provided by PayPal® and is separate from the website.

We have a policy of limiting e-mail communication to a minimum, but we may send e-mails to welcome new subscribers, answer specific queries about the site (including password reminders), to answer specific queries regarding a question, your progress in passing the exam and the development of the website etc.

If Willow and Vine Limited believes that your use of the site is unlawful or damaging to other users, we reserve the right to disclose the information obtained about you to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in our opinion to remedy the situation and prevent such conduct continuing.

Your IP address may be stored and used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information about you for statistical purposes. We may also use your IP address in helping to diagnose problems with our server. Your IP address may also be used to assist in the detection of fraud, and we may pass this information to the police.

It is your right to have any information that we store about you erased. You can do this by e-mailing us at hello@willow-and-vine.co.uk. We use a Google service which places a cookie on the user’s computer and is used to provide marketing data.